
GPblog's full editorial team consists of editorial staff spread around the world whose passion is to keep our audience as informed as possible about the latest Formula 1 news. Our team is located in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Italy and France.
Certain articles are produced through a collaboration of our team. The full GPblog editorial team covers:

Tim Kraaij - Editor-in-chief GPblog Netherlands
Matt Gretton - Editor-in-chief GPblog EN / Global editions
Final editors Netherlands

Corwin Kunst
Nicole Mulder
Ludo van Denderen
Editorial team GPblog Netherlands
Daniel de Ruiter
Lennard Verhage
Cas van de Kleut
Niels Lagemaat
Esteban van den Toom
English Edition GPBlog - GPblog/en
Adam Newton
Joe Tyrrell
Toby McLuskie
Italian Edition - (
Andrea Bassini
Simone Tommasi
Spanish Edition- (
Rubén Gómez
Sergio Castellano
Brazilian Edition (
Marcos Gil
Vicente Soella
French Edition (
Camille Cassiède
Raphaël Fernandez-Lopez
German Edition (
Paola Bonini