F1 News

Brundle: "It's interesting that Verstappen and Hamilton did that."

18 August 2020 at 12:34
Last update 18 August 2020 at 12:38

    In his new column on Sky Sports, analyst Martin Brundle reviews the Spanish Grand Prix at the Circuit de Catalunya in Barcelona. In this column Brundle discusses, among other things, what he thinks are the striking actions of Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton during the race.

    In his column, Martin Brundle expresses his amazement at the different ways drivers deal with their tyre strategy. Where Sergio Perez has to ask his team about the onboard radio, Hamilton and Verstappen are trying to influence their own racing strategies. “Hamilton declined a set of the usually happy-hour soft tyres as unsuitable for his Sunday afternoon drive, instead demanding the mediums. Max was more along the lines of 'my tyres are finished, I know you have a stash of replacements we made earlier and I want some right now'.”

    Restricting Auto-to-Pit Telemetry

    Perez's questions to the team about his tyres are a low point in the race for Brundle. “That feels very much the wrong way around to me and another endorsement for limiting car-to-pit telemetry only to items which are safety critical for driver (and therefore those trackside too) and the rotating hot oily bits. As the regulations say, 'the driver must drive alone and unaided'.”