"Teams now want the same thing that was done to Max Verstappen''

F1 News

16 April 2020 at 06:54
Last update 16 April 2020 at 10:03
  • GPblog.com

A whole new trend in Formula 1 emerged with the arrival of Max Verstappen. Drivers were hired younger and younger and with Charles Leclerc even Ferrari opted for young talent. However, Peter Windsor would like to see one more thing.

Windsor updates you on the state of Formula 1 in The Racer's Edge. In the third episode the former Williams team manager talks about the young talents in Formula 1 and the example set by Verstappen. Attention is also paid to American talent, which is just not getting the chance in Formula 1.

Verstappen as an example

''Teams don't look so much at different racing classes, but more at drivers who go through some of those classes and show talent in them. That's actually exactly how Verstappen got into the sport and that's what other teams want to copy now'', Windsor says somewhat irritated. In his opinion one should also look at other talents.

''American drivers tend to finish their studies first and then it's already too late to break through in Europe. However, teams should invest money in the careers of American talents, so that they also get a fair chance in Europe," says Windsor, who tried to push this through at Williams, but did not succeed at the time.