Claire Williams refusing to give up after "horrifically challenging" season

F1 News

11 November 2019 at 13:18

Claire Williams says that she is not going to give in despite the tough season Williams have endured. The team from Grove have been off the pace in every race this year, scoring just one point as Robert Kubica snuck home in P10 at the chaotic German Grand Prix.

Kubica and team mate George Russell have had no luck in the sport this season, being unable to regularly compete with cars other than themselves.

However, Williams says that she is not prepared to just allow the fall of the team and will never give up in her aim to bring the team back to its former glory.

She told Yahoo: "The situation has been horrifically challenging and very difficult, but I'm always motivated by the people we have in this team, and they've never shown any signs of giving up, so I wasn't going to either."

She took over from her father Sir Frank Williams a few years back and is determined not to let him down, adding: "He knows how tough this business is, one that is a whole lot tougher in this day and age, with social media and people calling you an a***hole left, right and centre. That just makes me dig my heels in more.

"When people turn around and say I should give it up, that just makes me fight even harder, and I've always been a firm believer that if you work hard, fight hard, then one day you will get your just rewards."