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F1 teams mock Horner's statements: "Turn off the wind tunnel"

27 May 2022 at 16:44
Last update 27 May 2022 at 16:49

Christian Horner recently voiced his concerns about the impact of inflation on the budget cap, which he fears most teams will not be able to meet. Alpine team boss Otmar Szafnauer reacted with derision to the statements, stating that they should then spend less money on developments. Among the remaining Formula One teams, opinions are divided on the issue.

Helmut Marko reinforced Horner's statements by indicating that none of the top three teams are currently operating within the cost cap. The majority of the teams agree with the gentlemen from Red Bull Racing, but the proposal to increase the limit is also met with resistance.

Three F1 teams against raising budget cap

According to Auto, Motor und Sport there are three teams that are against an increase in the budget cap: Alpine, Alfa Romeo and Williams. They do not consider inflation a matter of force majeure and believe that teams approaching the limit should simply stop development.

Aston Martin also says it has no problems staying within its budget. "Our team is used to working efficiently," says Aston Martin team boss Mike Krack. Alfa Romeo team boss Frederic Vasseur concurs. "Just turn off the wind tunnel," he suggests to teams struggling to stick to budget. "We are ten percent under the cost cap."

Vasseur stresses that his team, too, must find solutions to the increased costs, but argues that they should then cut back on development. "Then you can't have new parts every race," says Vasseur.